Anyways, I went to the Royal Palace as planned, but there was a Buddhist ceremony going on, so only the Silver Pagoda was open for a while. The main building houses a ton of gold Buddhas with stupas and shrubs dotting around it.
Silver Pagoda
I kept going to the gate of the Royal Palace to ask if the ceremony was over, but they kept telling me one more hour. Well, such is life ... they did open up the Royal Palace an hour and a half later so I got to take some pics. But I was a little disappointed you couldn't see anything but the main courtyard - I've been to the Grand Palace in Bangkok and there's a lot more ground you can see there. They also say the Royal Palace's architecture is a lot more coherent than the gaudiness of the Grand Palace, but I think I prefer the outrageousness of the Grand Palace. Still, I was glad I got into the Royal Palace and the architecture was awesome.
Royal Palace
Since I still had some time to kill, I had my driver take me to Wat Ounalom and Central Market. It's basically a huge dome with the jewelers in the middle and aisles of electronics, clothing, souvenirs, kitchenware, and anything else you can think of branching out from it. I ate some noodles at one of the food stalls (I don't know any Khmer so all I could say was noodles), but I think the lady charged me extra because I was a tourist (although it was still pretty cheap). Note to self - decide on a price before eating. Also, I kept seeing these Starbucks logo shirts in the clothing stalls - how is this fashion? And strangely enough, I hadn't seen any Starbucks while I was Phnom Penh, although I saw KFC, DQ, and a lot of other brands.
Starbucks trend?
$12 Beats - too good to be true
The bus from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh takes about 6 hours with a ferry crossing at Neak Loeung and of course, customs and visa procedures at the border. Unfortunately, our bus had technical problems halfway, so we were delayed an hour and a half as we changed buses at the border. The border process also took a while, as there were busloads of people being called up individually through a stack of passports. As we got back on a bus and crossed into Vietnam, I asked the bus attendant if I could call my friend who I was staying with in HCMC on his phone, and he was kind enough to get another attendant's phone.
My friend's brother picked me up on his motorbike while it was drizzling quite a bit in HCMC. It was my first time on a motorbike, and I must say - it was AMAZING. The streets of HCMC are even crazier than Phnom Penh - most people drive motorbikes as it's really too crowded for a car, although there are the persistent few. We zipped past bustling streets with neon signs, food stalls, as well as familiar places like Pizza Hut. I always wondered how other people on the back of motorbikes sat without falling off, but now that I've been on one, I find it's not too hard to balance yourself on it. I seriously want to rent one somewhere while I'm SE Asia, but given my terrible driving record in the U.S., I think it's best if I don't.
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